2018-2022 Strategic Plan

The Port of Alicante, the main logistics platform of Alicante province, faces the future with the security afforded to it by being an essential instrument for the relaunch of Alicante’s economy in the looming new global order.

The Port of Alicante’s potential is based on its geographic location, since it covers a service area where municipalities as important as Alicante, Elche, Murcia and Albacete converge, and also makes inroads towards Madrid through the industrial zones of the river Vinalopó. The strength of this area’s business sector lies in an optimal transport infrastructure: port, motorways, roads and airport, which increases its export capacity and commercial tradition.

Goal of the Strategic Plan

  • Drive a competitive and sustainable offer

    Drive a competitive and sustainable offer of logistics and intermodal services, which are primarily provided at spaces allocated to transport mode transfer and logistics activities, providing greater value to our customers.

  • Strengthen the creation of shared value with the city

    Strengthen the creation of shared value with the city in free access spaces which make up the port-city border, so that the port can advance as an engine of development of the city of Alicante

Strategic central themes

According to the port’s vision, three strategic central themes have been identified upon which the strategic goals and plans of action will be developed:


Drive the growth of port traffic

  • Boost the port’s leading traffic
  • Drive the attraction of new traffic

Raise the competitiveness and added value of the logistics chain

  • Boost rail intermodality in the port area
  • Adapt the infrastructures and facilities offering to meet demand
  • Strengthen the competitiveness and quality of the “port service”
  • Develop the port’s logistics facet

Customer-centric port organisation

  • Strengthen and integrate the Port Community
  • Commercial approach of the organisation to the market and customer satisfaction

Maintain the budget balance

  • Enhance the available port space

Secure and integrate environmental management

  • Position the Port of Alicante as a leader in environmental management in the port sphere
  • Guarantee protection and safety, and technological innovation in port operations

Maximise the shared value with the city

  • Updating of instruments for the laying out and management of the port area
  • Institutional positioning in the territorial strategies of the functional environment of the port space

Boost the port’s image with the city

  • Improve the landscape standard of the port space
  • Boost accessibility to the coastal strip bordering the city
  • Development of strategic areas of the port space
  • Design and implementation of a communication strategy
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