Privacy Policy

The processing of personal data carried out through this website of the Alicante Port Authority, (hereinafter APA) is regulated in accordance with the provisions of European data protection regulations – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – General Regulation of Protection of Data (RGPD) -, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, and other regulations on data protection that may be applicable, in order to guarantee at all times the fundamental right to data protection of its users.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to provide information on your rights under the RGPD, without prejudice to other information of a nature that is made available to interested parties in the different APA data collection forms.

1.- Responsible for the treatment

The person responsible for the treatment of the data processed on this website is: Alicante Port Authority with CIF: Q-0367005-F, address at Muelle de Poniente, 11 Alicante (Spain) and telephone number 965130095.

Likewise, we inform you that the APA has a Data Protection Delegate, with whom you can contact through the following address:, or by writing to the address of the Alicante Port Authority at the attention of the “Delegate of Data Protection”.

2.-Personal information

The APA collects personal data in order to access and provide you with some of the services provided through this website. Some of this data is provided directly, for example, when you fill out an application form and others are obtained indirectly with technology such as cookies.

The means used by the APA for the collection and subsequent processing of personal data are:

  • Forms: Through forms, the APA collect personal data to access and provide the different services on this website.
  • E-mails: The e-mail addresses established on the APA website will be considered as possible means for the collection of personal data.
  • Cookies: The APA can use (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct functioning and visualization of this website, as well as for knowing the traffic of users of our website. For more information, see the Cookies Policy.
  • Social networks: The APA has different social networks that you can access from the links provided on the web.

The data requested in the forms available on the website are, in general, mandatory (unless otherwise specified in the required field) to fulfill the established purposes. When using other means to send data to the APA, the user must provide only the information that is accurate in each case.

In this sense, the user will assume the possible responsibilities derived from excessive or inappropriate data that, voluntarily, they decide to provide to the APA through the established data collection means.

3.-Limitations in the treatment

The APA does not authorize minors under 14 years of age to provide their personal data through the means enabled on this website (filling in the web forms enabled to request services, contact or by sending emails). Therefore, the people who provide personal data using said means formally declare that they are over 14 years of age, the APA being exempt from any responsibility for the breach of this requirement.

In those cases in which the services offered by the APA are intended for minors under 14 years of age, the means will be enabled to obtain the authorization of the minor’s parents or legal guardians, after identifying them.

4.- Information in data collection

Whenever data is collected through a form (online or in downloadable format) or other communication channels established on the website, the affected person will be informed in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations.

The information to the affected persons will be provided according to the means used:

  • Forms (online and downloadable format): the information will be included in the form itself.
  • E-mails: the information will be available in the Electronic Office of the APA – Transparency. Information duty.
  • Cookies: the information is available in the Cookies Policy.

The user is responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the personal data provided. In the event of any modification in the user’s data, the changes must be communicated to the APA in order to keep them updated.

5.- Registration of Treatment Activities

The updated list of the treatment activities that the APA carries out, in compliance with article 30 of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). See Registration of Treatment Activities.

6.- Security measures

The APA adopts the appropriate security measures in accordance with the provisions of the current data protection regulations in order to guarantee the fundamental right to data protection of the users of this website.

The security measures implemented correspond to those established in Annex II (Security measures) of Royal Decree 3/2010, of January 8, which regulates the National Security Scheme in the field of Electronic Administration and which is They are described in the documents that make up the APA Security Policy, likewise, those technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk to which the personal data processed on this website are exposed have been applied.


Affected persons can exercise all their rights at the Electronic Office of the APA or by sending a request to the postal address: Alicante Port Authority Muelle de Poniente, 11 03001 Alicante (Spain) indicating in the subject: Ref. Data Protection.

Los derechos de las personas afectadas son:

  • Obtain confirmation as to whether the APA is treating your personal data.
  • Access your personal data.
  • Request the rectification of inaccurate data.
  • Request the deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer needs for which they were collected.
  • The limitation of the processing of your data, in which case; They will only be kept by the APA for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • Opposition to the processing of your data, in which case, the APA will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. Including the processing of your data for automated individual decisions.
  • The portability of the data so that it is provided to the affected person or transmitted to another person in charge, in a structured format, commonly used and mechanically read.
  • When the data processing is based on consent, you have the right to revoke it under the terms and conditions established in the current data protection regulations.

In the event that you feel your rights are violated with regard to the protection of your personal data, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. However, in the first instance, you may file a claim with the Data Protection Delegate of the APA.

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