Risk prevention


The Alicante Port Authority Prevention Service is made up of:

  • Occupational safety
  • Health and ergonomics
  • Health surveillance speciality

These specialities are covered by a Company Doctor and a Registered Nurse and Healthcare Technician, as well as a Senior Technician in Health, Safety and Ergonomics, who are authorised by the Labour Authority for the performance of Risk Prevention Service duties.


    Workers have an annual Medical Examination, as well as a Training Plan, in accordance with Articles 18, 19 and 22 of Law 31/1995 on Occupational Risk Prevention.


Alicante Port Authority has developed a Prevention Culture consisting of the following parameters:

  • Continuous Training Plan in collaboration with the Valencian Regional Government.
  • Periodical meetings of the Port Authority Health and Safety Committee.
  • Coordination of Business Activities with the Port Concessions.
  • Occupational Risk Prevention Procedures.


* Alicante Port Authority exercises control and coordination in the Port Community area, in accordance with Article 132 of Law 48/2003 of 26th November, governing the economic and service provision regime of general interest ports with regard to business activity coordination.


Alicante Port Authority, in accordance with the provisions of RD 171/2004, has established a procedure to coordinate business activity in the Port Community, establishing:

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