Quality politics

The President of the Alicante Port Authority (hereinafter APA) considers the existence of a Quality Management System a priority, the purpose of which is – respecting all legal and regulatory requirements in force – to provide a service to its clients, real and potential , that satisfies your requirements and expectations, by continuously improving the quality of the services it provides.

For this, the Quality Management System must be periodically reviewed, for which purpose there is a Quality Committee, which must establish and follow the quality objectives of the APA, study the suggestions for improvement that are received and the non-conformities. detected, as well as the training needs of its staff or other types of resources that are considered necessary.

In particular, the processing times for the services provided should be improved, for which it is necessary to monitor their control and, based on their results, establish specific objectives aimed at satisfying customer satisfaction.

An essential part of the Quality Management System must be to instill in the daily work of APA professionals the principle of “prevention” versus “correction” of errors.

As in any service company, the most important resource that the APA has to fulfill its mission and achieve its objectives is the group of professionals that make up its staff. Therefore, it is essential that these professionals are informed, trained and motivated to contribute to the continued growth of the company.

Periodically, and through internal audit, the effectiveness of the development of the provisions of the Quality Management System must be evaluated to achieve the objectives established by the APA.

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